Trainings are unnecessary

Education and training are time-consuming and expensive, and the knowledge is not sustainable. Why hold on to them?

Trainings are unnecessary

Trainings are unnecessary 1920 1080 Daniel Beckstein

Companies are constantly providing or revising new software. In addition to licenses, horrendous sums are invested in training employees in these systems. Does that make sense and is it still in keeping with the times?

Sit down, fail

Imagine a company with thousands of employees for whom an HR self-service platform is to be provided. In terms of the digitization strategy, a terrific idea!

While the change management experts take care of the technical implementation, the employees have to be brought on board in advance. With tens of thousands of colleagues, this becomes a mammoth task. Often, they are put into training courses months before the actual rollout and instructed in the application. It is questionable how present the knowledge will still be when the software “finally arrives”. Acceptance or use of the applications or portals plummets right at the start. Colleagues are pestered or elaborately created reference works are consulted. The training could have been saved, and if you’re honest, you can actually start right from the beginning.

Another scenario, based on this, could be when employees do not have permanent access to computers and thus to digital reference works, when knowledge wavers after months or the task to be mastered is not regularly present? Often, the IT department is bombarded with questions after the launch and is usually still busy adjusting the software or dealing with other issues.

The classic measure of a training course or a pre-launch training is therefore not really practicable in the two examples. The knowledge is not sustainable, the effort is immense.

Old advice is expensive – new advice pays off

We have seen on the basis of two examples (taken from practice) that the practicability of classic training measures and training in a corporate environment, but also in the producing upscale medium-sized companies, is doubtful and can lead to high expenses. But what expenses are we talking about here?

Expenses must be considered from several angles. On the one hand, “active costs”, i.e. the monetary expenses incurred: trainers, documentation, training environments, etc..

And “passive expenditures or losses”, thus e.g. the time expenditure, if coworkers cannot dedicate themselves several hours to the tasks, for which they were actually hired or in their doing are braked (despite new software). In addition, the consequences of errors and reduced data quality when used incorrectly.

But what can bring digital adoption to the teacher’s desk?

With a layer on top of the software, assistance can be provided at any time and in a relevant place. Knowledge does not have to be built up, it only has to be activated in the AppNavi avatar. This results in the following effects if we switch from the macro layer to the micro layer and look at the possibilities of optimization for a single employee:

> In a software introduction, 2 hours per employee can be saved.
> Training 5% of new employees can save 2 hours per year.
> Release management training can be reduced by 0.5 hours per year per employee.
> 3 queries of 15 minutes per employee can be saved per year.
> 3 errors of 15 minutes per employee can be saved per year.
> Automations can save 10 minutes per employee per month.
> Improved data quality saves 15 minutes per employee per year in follow-up processes.

In detail, it doesn’t sound like much. An hour here or there. But if you take a bird’s eye view, in a corporate environment with thousands of employees using dozens of applications, costs can run into the millions.

Would you like an example? Gladly.

Digital Adoption, the Cramming Scare

Let’s take up the initial scenario from above and a company wants to introduce an HR self-service application. Let’s populate the parameters with some more data. For the example calculation, we’ll consider an organization with 50,000 employees, 30,000 of whom are PC users. In this case, digital adoption can save an estimated 15.8 million euros per year (the costs for AppNavi have already been factored out).

And this is because the following positive effects occur for the employees when using Digital Adoption by AppNavi:

> Less training
> Less support
> Fewer errors
> Faster users
> Better data quality

This is accomplished through various capabilities that AppNavi brings to the digital adoption toolbox. Routes that guide through applications and processes; Pins and Posts that display relevant information within the software; or Automation that takes over (redundant) steps for the user and much more.

The possibilities are manifold, the savings potential immense.

Digital Adoption by AppNavi kills many birds with one stone. The employees can immediately use the new tools without having been trained in them or having to ask questions, and they are also much more productive and efficient.

Therefore, those who continue to opt for training, education, documentation, etc. should really go back to school.

You wonder how we come to the values of our example calculation? Please contact us and we will work out the cost saving potential in your company together with you – you will be surprised! Alternatively, you can simply convince yourself of AppNavi and test it 30 days free of charge.


AppNavi GmbH
+49 89 262 025 490

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