Go live in no time

01. Integrate

Integrate AppNavi into your environment in minutes
01. Integrate

02. Customize

Adapt AppNavi to your CI and to your user segments
02. Customize

03. Create

Create routes, news and other content for your users
03. Create

04. Go live

Go live with AppNavi – welcome users
04. Go live

The integration was plug & play. It went like clockwork.

Customer voice, mid size company

Day 1: Integrate

You can integrate and test AppNavi in just a few minutes. And best of all: Your IT is hardly burdened.

For the integration 2 options are available to you. One is via code snippet or via browser extension.

If you have access to the source code of your target system or can register external sources, AppNavi can be integrated via code snippet.

Parallel to this option you can also make AppNavi available to your users via browser extension. Simply rolled out via Group Policy, AppNavi is then anchored in the respective browser. The nice side effect: AppNavi is rolled out for all applications immediately. By the way, we have extensions for all official and unofficial browsers of your organization (Internet Explorer, Chrome or Edge).

Day 2: Customize

You can completely customize AppNavi in appearance and function to your needs.

First we have a dark and a light mode for you. In addition, you can adapt all visible components 100% to your corporate identity using CSS.

In addition to the appearance, you can also determine the visibility of the published content. For this purpose you can define segments: For example, content can be shown or hidden for your users depending on their experience, area, authorization, etc.

With the help of our client API you can also control AppNavi from your own application. Start e.g. a route when your user moves to a new area.

Day 3: Create content

AppNavi provides numerous content types. Besides routes, hotspots, news, announcements, collections or the Learning Center can be used.

Routes and hotspots are created with the recorder and the planner – all without any developer knowledge. News and announcements, collections and learning center are created in the customer portal.

And if you need your content multilingual? No problem. With our integrated translation, you can translate your content individually or automatically – in up to 11 languages.

Day 4: Go live

Now all contents are published and thus visible for the respective users. With an announcement you can inform your users about AppNavi.


AppNavi !

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