Our new website is live
The secret ingredient of successful digitization
We are happy to announce that our new website went live today. Under our claim “AppNavi – the easiest to use digital adoption platform” we show how AppNavi increases user efficiency, application acceptance and the ROI of the software investment. Differentiated by systems, disciplines, benefits and use cases, we give many suggestions on how to get the most out of the supported software.
In addition, detailed information about the AppNavi components, the technology used or the procedure for integration can be found. Of course data protectionists and works councils will also find relevant information.
We would like to thank our partners, who supported the creation of the site with their input. Among other things you can find the AppNavi partners in our partner section.
Feedback? With pleasure!
Much of the content results from the feedback of our customers. We hope you like the website and that the information you are looking for is easy to find. Of course we are also happy to receive feedback.