
Spring also marks the start of a major clean-up in software development. Teams review code bases, optimise processes and set new goals. Old burdens are removed to make room for innovation. It is a time of reflection and renewal, in which errors are rectified and improvements are implemented. The focus is on increasing efficiency and improving quality.

We have therefore thoroughly tidied up, reorganised and introduced new functions. Today we present the most exciting new features of the latest release, which was published on the AppNavi platform on 20 March 2024.

AppNavi Insights

Important | Recommended action: In the latest update, there are important changes related to user behaviour recording and the configuration of Insights (formerly: User Behavior Mining) in AppNavi.

The architecture for recording user behaviour has been revised, which means that all previously recorded data is no longer available. However, it is possible to export it as a CSV before the release change. In addition, it is now possible to delete the recorded User Behaviour Mining data directly via the portal. Please note that User Behaviour Mining data is only saved for 12 months and is then automatically deleted. In addition, the configuration of Insights has now been significantly simplified. Instead of JSON, AppNavi now offers a user-friendly configuration interface. Please note, however, that previous JSON configurations will be lost with the new release and should be backed up by the customer beforehand.

AppNavi Discovery

AppNavi introduces a number of improvements to optimise the discovery and management of applications. A standardised blacklist is now available to filter out irrelevant websites. Customers can load and activate this blacklist in the settings. Detected apps are automatically titled and categorised to make them easier to identify. In addition, discovered apps now support listing and integration according to business capabilities, which can either be assigned automatically, maintained manually or queried directly by the user. In the future, discovery can be limited to specific countries or organisational units, although the AppNavi extension has been rolled out company-wide. Finally, Discovery data can now be easily reset via the portal interface.

Portal Improvements

In the latest updates, workspace management has been moved to the Tenant settings, allowing for improved organisation and accessibility. In addition, numerous data tables in the portal have been updated and equipped with filter and export options. This export function allows users to easily download selected data as a CSV file, making it easier to analyse and use data.

Steering Activities

AppNavi’s latest release introduces “Steering Activities”, an innovative steering tool that makes it easy to map different scenarios such as user compliance or application shutdown initiatives. Each type of steering activity has its own analysis page to track progress. With the next release, various steering activities will be available, including application usage comparison, BC survey, compliance, monitoring of page views and user interactions, satisfaction surveys and application shutdown.

AppNavi Contentes

Two important changes have been made in the latest AppNavi updates.

Firstly, the NPS function has been removed from the menu; instead, NPS surveys can now be carried out via Steering Activities.

Secondly, the display interval setting in Announcements now allows announcements to be scheduled to be displayed once a week, for example.


AppNavi Retentions brings an important new feature: Each content object in AppNavi now has a preset lifespan. Content that exceeds this lifespan and is not published is automatically moved to the recycle bin and can be restored from there if required. Customers have the option to customise the retention period for each piece of content, which contributes to a clean digital content lifecycle.

AppNavi Guide Improvements

AppNavi has undertaken a major redesign of the route and pin planner to simplify content creation. The layout has been changed from a 3-column layout to a 2-column layout to create more space for content creation. All settings have been moved to a separate area, which significantly increases clarity and optimises the use of the planner.


There are two important updates related to user management:

Firstly, all newly created user identities must now be verified via email double opt-in. This means that a user will receive an email after creation and must confirm their email address before receiving further login credentials.

Secondly, the user audit log has been improved to capture and list conspicuous user activities such as failed logins. These improvements strengthen security and transparency in user management.

We at AppNavi hope you enjoyed this issue of our newsletter and were able to take away valuable information.

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