The AppNavi platform and its combination of Discovery, Insights and Guidance results in a streamlined software landscape with the best possible empowered users. With us, cost traps and efficiency guzzlers are successively weeded out and transformations are made a success. Unnecessary costs are reduced and employee performance is increased – a win-win for everyone!


Gain complete transparency of the software landscape and the use of browser software across the entire company through a comprehensive analysis.


Analyze the use of applications in detail on the basis of real aggregated mass data and derive conclusions for you and your questions and your processes.


An interactive layer that is placed over software and guides users through applications, provides information during the process and automates intermediate steps.

A continuous optimization loop

What makes us

Understand software usage

A deeper understanding of the use of software in companies allows the entire application landscape to be rationalized. This knowledge helps with:

> Replacing software
> Renewal of software
> Renewal of contracts
> Retirement of software

This enables significant cost savings to be achieved:

  • Lower development costs
  • Less hypercare
  • Lower operating costs
  • Less license costs

Understand behavior patterns

Improves team performance by analyzing behavior within software and providing interactive help where users stumble. This helps with:

> Automated OnBoarding
> Accelerated upskilling
> Scaled efficiency
> Optimized effectiveness

This enables significant cost savings to be achieved:

  • Lower training costs
  • Less ticket costs
  • Less support costs
  • Higher productivity



Robust, high-performance, secure & ergonomically designed, AppNavi meets all the requirements of professional IT structures

> Suitable for B2B & B2C
> Industry-independent
> Corporate Ready

> Quickly integrated
> Strong partner network
> Adaptive pricing & contract models


Focus on: Data protection, cloud security, availability & scalability

We offer three different services via the AppNavi backend. For example, our customer portal provides authors with a graphical user interface that enables them to manage their tenants and work on content. In addition, we provide our partners with CLI (Command Line Interface). This interface enables fast and script-controlled work with our backend and can be used, for example, to provide test environments. We enable our satellites to communicate with the backend via an API.

  • Works without personal data
  • Encrypts all data “at rest”
  • Delivers the content as SaaS or OnPremise
  • Hosted in Germany (AWS, EU Central 1 region)
  • Uses only certified AWS standard components
  • Provides encrypted backup & recovery


Focus: Fast, standardized & secure

Our delivery mechanism is geared towards the requirements of professional and managed IT. As Digital Adoption Platforms are integrated into the target applications, this mechanism plays a crucial role in the security of the overall system.

  • Is rolled out centrally as a script or as an extension via group policy
  • No action required from end usersEnd users are anonymous and do not have to authenticate themselves
  • Intelligent content loading & caching and suitable compression (GZIP) reduce network traffic
  • Encrypted communication (HTTPS/SSL, TLS 1.2, RSA 2048-bit)


Focus: Minimally invasive, high-performance, comprehensive availability

Our small satellites are the interface to your end users. You can integrate them into all web-based systems. We pay attention to minimally invasive integration so that neither the functionality nor the performance of your target application is affected and, for example, place us at the end of your browser’s GET request pipeline.

  • Works in all systems, whether single or multi-page
  • Handles all frameworks such as Angular, React, etc.
  • Can be integrated as a sandbox without conflicts
  • Handles CSP, iframes, dynamic attributes, etc.
  • Communicates one-way from server to client (optional feedback of anonymous analytics packages)

Comprehensive security

Hardened expert system for use in a professional environment


Secure access. Needs-based and situation-specific.

  • Authorizations according to the “need-to-know” principle
  • 4 user roles: Admin, Master, Power & Guest
  • Multi-client capability


Flexible and scalable as required. Maximum security.

  • Data encrypted “at rest” and “at transit”
  • Integrity through version control
  • No storage of personal data


Developed and hardened in corporate IT structures.

  • Audited according to OWASP Top 10
  • External and internal IT security
  • Assured service availability through high-performance, scalable data center structures
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