Determine the exact
licence requirement

AppNavi Discovery records all browser applications used for you in compliance with the GDPR.

AppNavi Discovery creates a comprehensive list of all business apps actually used in your organisation. For each app identified, you receive information about its frequency of use, the number of different users, the countries and languages of use and the associated organisational units.

Create your current software list now for free!

Get free access to AppNavi Discovery for one week. With our application landscape scanner, you can record all browser-based applications that are used during this time to finally gain complete transparency about software usage.

    Test the latest technology without restrictions and experience the added value

    The AppNavi platform provides detailed information about the frequency of use, number of users, geographical distribution and languages of application use. This allows you to implement the following after your test:

    Save costs

    Optimise resources

    Increase efficiency

    The simple integrationthrough a browser extension opens up countless advantages for you

    Cost savings

    Precise determination of requirements makes it possible to optimise or reduce expenditure on licences. By determining the exact number of licences required (including those for extra modules and functions) and selecting suitable licence models, unnecessary costs can be avoided very quickly and sustainably.

    In addition, knowing the precise number of licences required helps you to adopt a stronger negotiating position with software providers in order to negotiate better contractual conditions or to be able to weigh up the pros and cons of price packages that meet your own needs and the corresponding conditions offered.

    Resource optimisation

    Analysing and gaining insight into the use of software offers a completely new view and transparency of the application landscape, processes and teams. It also enables efficient resource allocation for targeted software investments. Namely those that actually meet the requirements.

    Ideally digitally verifiable and not based on manually created and analysed questionnaires about what employees would like or what is ordered on demand. In addition, synergies and overlaps in software purchases between departments can be recognised and used more quickly – even retrospectively.

    Increased efficiency

    The global view of processes and precise knowledge of software usage (or licence requirements) enables a more structured and therefore more efficient IT infrastructure. Companies can act faster, allocate resources more efficiently and ultimately significantly increase the performance and productivity of their employees, as they can work more productively and operational processes run more smoothly.

    But they can also share best practices, e.g. with international colleagues, or switch directly to efficiency.

    Industry leaders rely on AppNavi for digital transformation

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