Capability Usage Scan by AppNavi

The most effective way to
switch off apps or merge capabilities.
For IT and purchasing.

With its success and money-back guarantee if targets are not achieved, Capability Usage Scan is unique.

Loved by: Managing directors, CIOs, enterprise architects, software license managers and IT purchasers.

Switch off apps without stress

You urgently need to “streamline” your application landscape. But how?

Digitization projects are underway everywhere. More and more processes are being optimized and digitalized. But it is just as obvious that the app landscape is constantly growing and old apps rarely disappear. There is always someone who “absolutely needs” them… But this leads to a highly complex app landscape associated with high licensing and operating costs. Not to mention the fact that users are overwhelmed by the proliferation of apps. But how can discussions with specialist departments be conducted on the basis of facts, whose assessment often comes “from the gut”?

Many approaches therefore only work in theory, but are not feasible in practice. But what could help?

everyone promises you the moon...

…but very few take on your risk if you pay for their (non-)performance. That’s not really fair.

All providers have top references and ratings...

…but every project is different and ratings could be pre-selected and embellished. You don’t know if you can trust them.

The best results require a lot of time ...

…but you are already working at full capacity in your everyday life and can’t afford to invest a lot of extra time.

With Capabilty Usage Scan, you only pay for
real successes

1. We do a SaaS Discovery and measure how your users use your apps

2. In the results, we look for apps and modules that are rarely and/or less intensively used

3. These are analyzed in more detail and a short list (= basis for decision for deactivation) is created

Our promise Within 6 weeks, we identify at least 10 objective candidates for shutdown. For example: 5 functional duplicates (Business Capabilities Level 1 and 2) and 5 rarely or less intensively used systems or modules.

If not? Then you’ll get your money back. Without “ifs and buts”.

A partner implements the project for you immediately. You pay us in advance for the license and the implementation by the partner. If we have not achieved the goals after 6 weeks, you will receive your money for the licenses and we will contribute to the costs of the project. 

You get a complete overview

Capability Usage Scan gives you a complete overview of the frequency and intensity of use of web-based applications – regardless of whether they are company or shadow apps.
You can immediately see which apps are being used and which are not (filter option by country, language and organizational unit). Business apps are automatically recognized and clustered according to company and shadow apps.
You get a complete overview

Minimum time investment & maximum results

Our processes are optimized so that we can achieve maximum results with minimum time investment. There is no need for time-consuming coordination, preparations or similar. We need you for 2 hours to get started – we take care of everything else.
Minimum time investment & maximum results

Merging and/or switching off becomes child's play

You receive a complete business capability matrix (with automatic labeling according to BC level 1), which helps you to identify functional duplicates. This provides you with an important basis for making decisions on app deactivation or migrating processes to central platforms such as ServiceNow. In addition, this information supplements your SW asset catalog (e.g. for ISO 27001).
You will receive a list of at least 5 functional duplicates and 5 apps or app modules that are rarely or not intensively used.
Merging and/or switching off becomes child's play

Performance-related remuneration

You only pay us for real success. No retainers, no hidden costs. You will only be charged if you are able to optimize your app usage with our service. Otherwise you get your money back.
Performance-related remuneration

Discussions are fact-based

The deactivation of apps often fails due to resistance from the specialist departments. Due to a lack of data, these discussions are often conducted emotionally. The Capability Usage Scan provides you with facts that objectify this discussion. This reduces reservations – and allows you to gradually reduce the IT complexity perceived by users.
Discussions are fact-based

What satisfied users say about Capability Usage Scan

“We were already using numerous scanning solutions. However, these could not provide us with the usage-based views. AppNavi was integrated in 1 hour and measuring started immediately.”I. Leuterer

“LeanIX is already in use at our company. The data generated by the Capability Usage Scan fits perfectly with the LeanIX data”C. Meternek

“We now have a completely new and detailed basis for designing our transformation roadmap. And that with minimal strain on my IT.”O. Heinze

“Switching off apps is much easier today. Without time-consuming and often questioned surveys, we now have an objective database. “Anonymous

Our satisfied customers

What is better than a promise?

How do our guarantees work?
We both benefit from our guarantees. By assuring you of real results, we take responsibility for the project. This forces us to set the right course on many levels. First of all, we examine your topic very carefully. Only if we are 100% sure that we can provide you with real added value will we start with you – only then does the next step make sense. If so, the guarantee forces us to implement a very efficient project process in order to stay on schedule. So we both benefit: you have no risk and we have cleanly checked and professionally implemented projects in advance without exception.

Not satisfied with our work? Then we’ll refund your money. Down to the last cent.

Compare Capability Usage Scan with other offers

What makes Capability Usage Scan different from the rest of the industry?

  • Gain maximum transparency about your app landscape and its use
  • Use data-based reasoning for app deactivation
  • Learn how you can “merge” functionalities onto a central platform
AppNavi Other solutions
Detailed analysis of the entire browser-based app landscape Yes No
Measurement of frequency and intensity of use (in different clusters) Yes No
Automated labeling of business capabilities level 1 Yes No

These partners trust us

Your advantages at a glance

Get a complete overview

We provide you with a view of the use of your application landscape that is unique on the market: we bring the use of centrally purchased SaaS apps, shadow apps and in-house developments into a complete picture. We provide qualitative (as well as quantitative) data on usage – an indispensable basis for your decisions. We simply determine everything, regardless of the network, whether SSO or not, etc.

You save effort

You avoid time-consuming interviews or surveys – which cost you and the respondents a lot of time and are then often questioned. You don’t have to do anything – no integrations, setting up interfaces, tapping into databases, etc. What’s more, you don’t get snapshots, but a continuous and objective view. All data is immediately available in an easy-to-understand report.

You get to the result faster

It starts immediately. Professionals take over for you (we work with top-ranked partners at Gartner et al.). After just 6 weeks you will automatically have a complete report.

You have no risk

If we do not achieve the goals within the agreed period, you will get your money back for the license within 14 days. And that’s not all: we also actively contribute to the project costs.

Your free
is waiting for you

In an independent consultation, we will discuss your personal benefits and talk about the next steps.

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