Counteract fluctuation

Employee fluctuation is a reality experienced by many companies today. The “War for Talents” also contributes to the fact that continuous on- and offboarding is an important discipline in many companies today.

And in addition to numerous employee entries and exits, there are also job changes. Organizations become more agile. Responsibilities and roles change at a much faster pace.


If employees leave their roles, the preservation of knowledge is of considerable importance. Much important history is lost if this knowledge is not adequately documented and made available.

Moreover, the knowledge must of course be made easily accessible. Ideally directly in the workflow of the new job holder – without documentation that is time-consuming to create and read.

Onboarding, offboarding, new role or function

Conservation of knowledge
Provision of the knowledge in the work process
Efficient online guidance
Reduction of complex documentation

Kathrin Schlierer-Neumann
AppNavi GmbH

The solution?


With AppNavi knowledge can be preserved in various forms. Successors access the knowledge via routes directly in their workflow. Avoid thereby critical “brain drain”.

The solution?


With AppNavi knowledge can be preserved in various forms. Successors access the knowledge via routes directly in their workflow. Avoid thereby critical “brain drain”.

Preserving knowledge

Documentation often has several disadvantages: it is time-consuming to create, tedious to read and it does not provide immediate support. If a jobholder’s expert knowledge is preserved in routes, it is immediately available to new employees in the respective application. Hotspots or news can be used to additionally secure knowledge without a concrete process reference.

Using knowledge directly

The knowledge preserved in routes, news or hotspots is immediately available to the following job holders. Without having to read tediously, he is guided through the live application. If a position is also divided into areas of responsibility, the knowledge can be distributed to the respective roles by means of segmentation.


  • Preserve knowledge
    Instead of elaborate documentation, job holders can preserve their knowledge directly in routes, news or hotspots. In this way, the knowledge is actually applied.
  • Provide knowledge in the workflow
    The conserved knowledge is not found in documentation that has yet to be found. Instead, you can make it available to the user directly in the workflow.
  • Guide the users efficiently
    Successors benefit from the expert knowledge of their predecessor by being guided to the goal in a tried and tested way.
  • Reduce documentation
    A lot of knowledge is useless if it is written down in countless documentations. Reduce the documentation with AppNavi to the bare essentials.
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