DAP Shortcut by AppNavi

The most effective way to
test and introduce DAP.
For academies and business departments

With its success and money-back guarantee if goals are not achieved, DAP Shortcut is unique.

Loved by: CHROs, CIOs, CDOs, Academys, Business Departments.

The shortcut to the right DAP

You should choose a DAP, but unfortunately you don’t know your way around? Tens of providers. Hundreds of features…Which DAP is the right one?

Congratulations, you are about to embark on a tedious and lengthy process 😊 Without the relevant experience, choosing the right DAP is very difficult. There are many providers, many features and poor comparability.

What makes it even worse: in the end, you won’t even be sure whether you’ve made the right decision – you’ll never have used the selected DAP live. Not a great prospect, is it?

everyone promises you the moon...

…but very few take on your risk if you pay for their (non-)performance. That’s not really fair.

All providers have top references and ratings...

…but every project is different and ratings could be pre-selected and embellished. You don’t know if you can trust them.

The best results require a lot of time ...

…but you are already working at full capacity in your everyday life and can’t afford to invest a lot of extra time.

With DAP Shortcut, you only pay for
real successes

1. We take a look at your project. You tell us what you want to achieve (fewer tickets, higher acceptance, etc.). We listen and learn.

2. We check whether we can help you with your project with DAP.

3. If so, we translate your goals into measurable KPIs

Our promise A partner implements the project for you immediately. We measure after 6 weeks whether we have achieved the goals.

If not? Then you’ll get your money back. Without “ifs and buts”.

A partner implements the project for you immediately. You pay us in advance for the license and the implementation by the partner. If we have not achieved the goals after 6 weeks, you will receive your money for the licenses and we will contribute to the costs of the project.

Your users do what they are supposed to do

With DAP Shortcut, users behave in line with your company’s strategy: Employees should devote 50% of their working time to sales activities? Do you want employees to work in a much more agile and less hierarchical way and use more agile collaboration tools instead? No problem! Fully integrated into their work process, users receive help to work in a strategy-oriented manner and to gradually internalize new ways of working. Behavior can be measured anonymously and the assistance can be adapted promptly to align actions more and more closely with the strategy. In short: DAP Shortcut.
Your users do what they are supposed to do

Continuous adoption - with significantly reduced costs

Software develops at breakneck speed: patches happen weekly, releases possibly 2-4 times a year. No training or training material can be kept up to date with reasonable effort. Considering the large number of apps in the company, this becomes an unsolvable Sisyphean task. With DAP Shortcut, it’s easy: routes, tips, posts, etc. always provide help at the right time and in the right place. And since this help is often automatically adapted to app changes, it is always up-to-date and the maintenance effort is minimal.
Continuous adoption - with significantly reduced costs

Embedded Best Practices

Best practices usually make sense – but integrating them into the actual actions of many is usually not easy. Best practice sources are often called “Klaus” or “Petra” – but what if they are not available? With DAP Shortcut, the provision of best practices happens imperceptibly for user groups that benefit most from them. For example, the sales team in France learns from the experience of the sales team in the UK. By means of segmentation, precisely those users who need them receive tips. Completely anonymized!
Embedded Best Practices

Greater acceptance - less hassle

The app is rolled out – everything done? Not really. Applications are often not used as intended – instead, workaround solutions grow. The IT costs are questioned by the paying departments because the costs do not match the “perceived benefits”. DAP Shortcut helps to build acceptance from day 1 and to continuously increase efficient use.
Greater acceptance - less hassle

Fewer errors - greater efficiency

Errors are not only annoying, they are also expensive. It is often assumed that the initial error costs are a factor of 10 in error processing. So what could be more obvious than avoiding errors? DAP Shortcut provides assistance at points that are often the cause of errors. This significantly reduces the error rate and massively increases the efficiency of app use.
Fewer errors - greater efficiency

Performance-related remuneration

You only pay us for real success. No retainers, no hidden costs. You will only be charged if you can optimize your app usage with our service. Otherwise you get your money back.
Performance-related remuneration

What satisfied users say about DAP Shortcut

“AppNavi’s self-confidence convinced us to take a risk. Even better: we were not disappointed and were even able to exceed our targets.”G. Meister

“We saved ourselves a long and complex tendering process. We were able to measure the impact of AppNavi and convince our management based on facts. Today, we already use AppNavi in 35 apps.”Anonymous

“From the first contact to implementation and measuring success: everything went faster than expected. We were able to significantly reduce the workload on our IT.”H. Hepperle

“The performance-based approach appealed to us. This meant we didn’t buy a pig in a poke and were able to make a decision based on results rather than pretty slides. “S. Landvogt

Our satisfied customers

What is better than a promise?

How do our guarantees work?

We both benefit from our guarantees. By assuring you of real results, we take responsibility for the project. This forces us to set the right course on many levels. First of all, we examine your topic very carefully. Only if we are 100% sure that we can provide you with real added value will we start with you – only then does the next step make sense. If so, the guarantee forces us to implement a very efficient project process in order to stay on schedule. So we both benefit: you have no risk and we have cleanly checked and professionally implemented projects in advance without exception.

Not satisfied with our work? Then we’ll refund your money. Down to the last cent.

Compare DAP Shortcut with other offers

What sets DAP Shortcut apart from the rest of the industry?

  • Increase the use and usage efficiency of your provided apps
  • Increase the acceptance of the apps
  • Reduce costs for initial and ongoing change management
AppNavi Other DAPs
Field of application Works in all browser-based apps Partial restrictions for iframes, shadow roots, dynamic attributes etc.
Reliability Best element recognition thanks to AI-based algorithm Partially faulty element recognition in CSS-based systems
Simplicity Simple content creation (training: 1h) Partly extensive training for authors
Relief for IT Maximum through citizen developer approach High level of involvement due to higher IT skill requirements
Range of functions Typical Guidance range of functions. Other unique modules: Discovery and Insights Typical Guidance range of functions.
Risk-free entry Yes No
Cost-optimized scaling Simple, attractive license model independent of the selected modules Often complex license models

These partners trust us:

Your advantages at a glance

You save yourself nerves

You only speak to one (!) experienced provider and don’t have to work your way through countless slides. We are focused on you and your industry. We are in contact with the relevant partners in your industry who will take the pressure off you. We have already successfully implemented this type of project in your industry hundreds of times. It starts immediately. We work on your goals immediately.

You save effort

With DAP Shortcut, you can significantly reduce the effort involved in selecting a suitable DAP solution. Save yourself the preparation of RfI or RfP documents and the entire process with many appointments, assessments and negotiations. Get to know DAP risk-free and experience it in productive use. This will give you the basis for more comprehensive DAP use.

You get to the result faster

It starts immediately. Professionals take over for you (we work with top-ranked partners at Gartner et al.). Your first users can be supported after just 2 weeks.

You have no risk

If we do not achieve the goals within the agreed period, you will get your money back for the license within 14 days. And that’s not all: we also actively contribute to the project costs.

You save time

In addition to the effort, DAP-Shortcut also saves you time. Time that is often not available because apps need quick support or a software rollout is pending. Gain experience immediately (without having to spend time familiarizing yourself with multiple tools and reading documentation) and support your users immediately.

Award-Winning Technology

AppNavi offers state-of-the-art technology for the use of DAP in the enterprise environment. Our platform has already received several awards from leading analysts in the digital adoption platform sector (Everest Star Performer, Gartner, Forrester, etc.). With AppNavi, you are relying on robust and proven technology.

Your free
is waiting for you

In an independent consultation, we will discuss your personal benefits and talk about the next steps.

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